Pāli Language Resources
Studying Pāli
Paid courses
YogicStudies is an online learning platform offering top-notch teachers of Pāḷi and Sanskrit. An FoEBT trustee recently completed the Yogic Studies Pāḷi 103 course and found it extremely worthwhile. Using the affiliate links below supports FoEBT:
Pāḷi - https://www.yogicstudies.com/a/2147527876/bMGxya2N
Sanskrit - https://www.yogicstudies.com/a/2147532295/bMGxya2N
Other paid courses include those offered by the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies https://ocbs.org/courses, and the University of South Wales.
Free Course
This free course by Bhikkhu Bodhi uses the excellent book, A New Course in Reading Pāli (by Gair & Karunatillake).
Other Resources
Excellent and varied printed materials from Ānandajoti Bhikkhu.
PaliBlogspot has extensive written materials, great for understanding grammar. https://palistudies.blogspot.com/p/resources.html